10:00 |
emdebian BoF
Language en
Event type bof
Track DebConf
debian-devel list
its proplems and how to maybe fix them
Language en
Event type bof
Track DebConf
Debian Med BOF
Language en
Event type bof
Track DebConf
10:15 |
10:30 |
10:45 |
11:00 |
QEMU for Debian Developers
Language en
Event type lecture
Track DebConf
Debian FTP Team
Language en
Event type other
Track DebConf Unofficial
Debian Java Packaging
Language en
Event type bof
Track DebConf
11:15 |
11:30 |
11:45 |
12:00 |
Stable/Volatile/Backports ecosystem
Creating a policy and procedures
Language en
Event type bof
Track DebConf
Packing the data in and getting it back out
Language en
Event type lecture
Track DebConf Unofficial
Distributing virtually boxed applications
.vdi to .deb
Language en
Event type bof
Track DebConf Unofficial
12:15 |
12:30 |
12:45 |
13:00 |
Hardware Report, Database and PopCon
Provide better hardware support to our users.
Language en
Event type lecture
Track DebConf
Drowning in Bugs
Getting more people involved in bug triaging
Language en
Event type bof
Track DebConf Unofficial
Publicity BoF
Language en
Event type bof
Track DebConf Unofficial
13:15 |
13:30 |
13:45 |
14:00 |
14:15 |
14:30 |
14:45 |
15:00 |
15:15 |
15:30 |
Debian Java BoF part 2
Language en
Event type bof
Track DebConf Unofficial
Free Software and Renewable Energies
How will we save the planet and the penguins?
Language en
Event type bof
Track DebConf Unofficial
Cacert Sign meeting
Language en
Event type bof
Track DebConf Unofficial
15:45 |
16:00 |
16:15 |
16:30 |
16:45 |
17:00 |
17:15 |
17:30 |
Group photo
Event type other
Track DebConf
17:45 |
18:00 |
Keynote from the Release Team
Language en
Event type
Track DebConf
18:15 |
18:30 |
18:45 |
19:00 |
Visualizing Debian package clusters
Language en
Event type lecture
Track DebConf
Libvirt: Hypervisor independent virtual machine management
Language en
Event type lecture
Track DebConf
I18n sessions 3/4
Language en
Event type bof
Track DebConf
Reproducible Research with R and Sweave
My life outside of Debian
Language en
Event type workshop
Track DebConf Unofficial
19:15 |
19:30 |
19:45 |
20:00 |
DebConf 11 in your city
Bring DebConf home!
Language en
Event type podium
Track DebConf
Language en
Event type lecture
Track DebConf Unofficial
20:15 |
20:30 |
20:45 |
21:00 |
Conference Dinner
Yearly DebConf not-so-formal dinner
Language en
Event type contest
Track DebConf
21:15 |
21:30 |
21:45 |
22:00 |
22:15 |
22:30 |
22:45 |
23:00 |
23:15 |
23:30 |
23:45 |