dc7 - 1.0


Holger Levsen
Day 10
Room Lower BoF Room
Start time 15:15
Duration 01:00
ID 71
Event type Workshop
Track DebConf
Language English

howto include CDDs in lenny

Currently no custom debian-distribution is (in its released state) part of debian/stable. Debian-Edu wants to achieve this for lenny, and so want probably others.

This workshop aims to bring together developers from debian-cd, debian-installer and custom debian distributions to discuss this issues and make plans to solving them.

Currently no custom debian-distribution is (in its released state) part of debian/stable. Debian-Edu wants to achieve this for lenny, and so want probably others.

This workshop aims to bring together developers from debian-cd, debian-installer and custom debian distributions to discuss this issues and make plans to solving them.

A few ideas/issue which we might want to solve to make this happen:

1. (auto-)building CDs with a customized d-i 2. localized versions of these CDs 3. modification of packages and/or configuration (see #311188 for an example of the problems in debian-edu)