

Welcome to our feedback system. It collects feedback so that we have a chance to know what you think about the events of this conference.

Distributing virtually boxed applications

.vdi to .deb

The city of Munich has, for their LiMux client, developed a system to distribute virtual box images. The system images are shared by all users, immutable and updateable, and a small persistent virtual disk for the data is generated on the fly.

This BoF introduces this solution to anyone interested and invites you to join a discussion about the pros and cons of this approach.

My rating

Please answer up to five questions regarding you and your personal perception of the event under discussion. If you don't know an answer to a particular question, just leave it as it is.

-- - o + ++
My opinion

If you have anything particular to say about this event feel free to do so. Criticism, suggestions for improvement or other notes are very welcome.