

Welcome to our feedback system. It collects feedback so that we have a chance to know what you think about the events of this conference.

Entendiendo Debian

Así que ya eres un nuevo usuario de Debian... ¿Qué viene ahora?

So, you're new debian user, what is the next step? This talk is about Debian tools, terms, philosophys, policys, statistic, anecdotes and funny situations and we're triying to get the "debian world" to new users for make the first impression more confortable.

Así que ya eres un nuevo usuario de Debian.. ¿Qué viene ahora? Esta charla es sobre herramientas, términos, filosofía, políticas, estadísticas, anécdotas y situaciones divertidas en el proyecto Debian y con ella intentamos acerca el "mundo de Debian" a los nuevos usuarios para que esa primera impresión sea más agradable.

My rating

Please answer up to five questions regarding you and your personal perception of the event under discussion. If you don't know an answer to a particular question, just leave it as it is.

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My opinion

If you have anything particular to say about this event feel free to do so. Criticism, suggestions for improvement or other notes are very welcome.