

Welcome to our feedback system. It collects feedback so that we have a chance to know what you think about the events of this conference.

immunity: securing untrusted processes

execute your internet browser in a secure container

Debian ships several tools like sudo and some UI frondends to get more privileges for subprocesses but no tool to effectively reduce such privileges, yet. The immunity tool provides a secure container to lock down any application that processes untrusted data like web browsers, their plugins and handler apps, and other multimedia apps. A ready to install Debian package is available as a proof of concept and it should work on any Debian or Ubuntu version or any other Debian derivative.

My rating

Please answer up to five questions regarding you and your personal perception of the event under discussion. If you don't know an answer to a particular question, just leave it as it is.

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My opinion

If you have anything particular to say about this event feel free to do so. Criticism, suggestions for improvement or other notes are very welcome.