dc12 - 1.0


Philip Hands
Day DebConf Day 2 (Tuesday) (2012-07-10)
Room Roberto Terán
Start time 18:00
Duration 01:00
ID 945
Event type tutorial
Track Skills exchange
Language en

Beginners' Spanish

A quick introduction to the most basic Spanish, perhaps with slides.

Xavier Paladino is a local Spanish teacher who's been teaching members of the Orga team.

He is generously going to give an introduction to Spanish of some sort, which should hopefully cover some basics that will help you survive and be polite in Spanish.

Note: He's not actually attending DebConf so will not have an opportunity to fix this description, so please don't assume that the lack of description reflects on him, but rather on me (Philip Hands) along with the fact that we've not talked in any depth about what he might intend, combined with my lack of knowledge about languages and teaching.