dc10 - 0.5


David Bremner
Hanna Ollila
Adam C. Powell, IV
Michael Banck
Sylvestre Ledru
Day DebConf Day 5 (2010-08-05)
Room Interschool Lab
Start time 17:00
Duration 01:00
ID 555
Event type podium
Track Science
Language en

Debian Science Round Table

Scientific communities are a big part of Debian's ecosystem and one of the original driving forces of Debian and Free Software in general. This round table will bring together the leaders of the respective communities (physics, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, maths, engineering, ...). One long-standing issue is the fragmentation between the pkg-scicomp and debian-science Alioth projects. Other agenda items will be discussed prior to Debconf (and this abstract be updated). Contact mbanck@debian.org if you want to participate as panel member in this event (everybody can participate in the audience).