dc7 - 1.0


Knut Yrvin

He has contributed to free software mainly through Skolelinux / DebianEdu project. He started as a technical assistant in The Norwegian telephone company back in 1986. In 2000 he got a Master degree in computer science. In 2001 he co-founded the Skolelinux project.

Knut Yrvin started his career with Telenor in 1986. He moved through several positions and graduated with engineering degree in electronics in 1992. Since then he pursue a Masters degree in Computer Science & System Development. After some years at The Norwegian Central Securities Depository and as a consultant with Objectware, he co-founded Skolelinux in 2001. Since then he has managed the combination of voluntary and professional work done with the Skolelinux/DebianEdu project. Now he works as a Community Manager at Trolltech, still using free time on Skolelinux.