dc7 - 1.0


Philipp Kaluza
Day 15
Room Upper Talk Room
Start time 16:30
Duration 00:15
ID 115
Event type Lightning talk
Track DebConf
Language English

Why tracker is cooler than unsliced cheese.

Introducing the architecture behind the all-singing all-dancing daemon "tracker".

One almoust-flamewar that has been recurring recently is that of the desktop search engines: the estabished beagle vs. the contender tracker. However, this discussion mostly misses the point, as it ignores what tracker is mainly about: a flexible, extensible and fast metadata-store for the desktop. This talk looks a bit closer at tracker's architecture and what your application could do with it.

This mini-talk will quickly introduce tracker, it's architecture and data-model, and one or two cool ways to use it from your application.