

Welcome to our feedback system. It collects feedback so that we have a chance to know what you think about the events of this conference.

Pedagogical Freedom

Debian, Free Software, and Education

Educational contexts are powerful testimonies to the value and importance of free software. This panel will discuss various ways that Debian and free software are currently being used to help improve education, in the broadest sense of of the term. Free software is being used effectively across educational institutions, libraries, and grassroots advocacy efforts. We will examine various ways that new media and technology are being used to transform teaching, learning, access, and communication.

  • Jonah Bossewitch (http://alchemicalmusings.org), Technical Architect at CCNMTL (http://ccnmtl.columbia.edu) and doctoral student in Communications at Columbia's School of Journalism.
  • Mallory Knodel (http://malloryknodel.net), May First/People Link (http://mayfirst.org)
  • Professor Matt Curinga (http://matt.curinga.com), Adelphi University
  • Professor Alycia Sellie (http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/pub/Faculty_Details5.jsp?faculty=968), Brooklyn College
  • Ahamed Shameem (http://www.projectfedena.org), Fedena is an Open Source School Management System based on RoR technology. It is a one stop solution for all teaching and school management related issues and it helps to manage all school related activities online.
My rating

Please answer up to five questions regarding you and your personal perception of the event under discussion. If you don't know an answer to a particular question, just leave it as it is.

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My opinion

If you have anything particular to say about this event feel free to do so. Criticism, suggestions for improvement or other notes are very welcome.