dc10 - 0.5


Matthew Johnson
Day DebConf Day 2 (2010-08-02)
Room Interschool Lab
Start time 11:30
Duration 01:00
ID 585
Event type lecture
Track Java
Language en

Debian-java policy changes

Until this year Debian Java policy has been stagnant for quite a long time. With the changes in the Java ecosystem, particularly the arrival of openjdk, a lot of changes are necessary. Niels Thykier has pushed through a lot of the changes which had been discussed, but lost momentum.

This talk covers those changes which have been made and lead discussion into what policy changes are further desirable. Changes that Niels made were largely to bring policy in line with current practices. We will also review what things are not in policy but which are part of current packaging practices.

Discussion on future policy changes will . We will also review what things are not in policy but which are part of current packaging practices.

Future policy changes to be discussed will focus on simplifying library transitions, dependencies and other issues.
