dc11 - 1.0


Sylvestre Ledru
Ana Beatriz Guerrero López
Obey Arthur Liu
Day DebConf Day 4 (2011-07-29)
Room Auditorium
Start time 10:00
Duration 00:45
ID 698
Event type podium
Language en

Google Summer of Code 2011 and Code-in 2010 at Debian

Meet the students, mentors and admins

This event will gather the admins, mentors and students of the 2011 Google Summer of Code and 2010 Google Code-in at Debian to present our organization work, the students, their projects and how they are doing.

At the time of Debconf11, our students should be way into their projects. The Debian organization of the 2011 run of the Summer of Code and of the 2010 run of the Code-in will be presented and discussed, gathering feedback, especially in regard of the relation between the projects and the rest of the community. This event will be an opportunity for mentor and student pairs to present the projects they have been working on and update about their progress, and for the Debian community to give face to face feedback and help.
