dc10 - 0.5


Gabriella Coleman
Day DebConf Day 1 / Debian Day (2010-08-01)
Room Davis Auditorium
Start time 19:30
Duration 01:00
ID 644
Event type lecture
Language en

Debconf opening plenary

Welcome to Debconf!

The opening plenary would be the first thing that would be scheduled to kick-off Debconf (after debcamp). It would be the general welcoming to the conference, providing a opening cohesion and hitting a few key things. Ideally the plenary would be scheduled first thing, and not in competition with other things. It would be brief (30 minutes probably).

The opening plenary would be the first thing that would be scheduled to kick-off Debconf (after debcamp). It would be the general welcoming to the conference, providing a opening cohesion and hitting a few key things. Ideally the plenary would be scheduled first thing, and not in competition with other things. It would be brief (30 minutes probably).

  • welcoming to debconf
  • general information
  • highlights of what is to come
  • something funny
  • introduce the conference team
  • logistical overview
  • columbia rules/regulations
  • questions/comments/heckling (please add others!)
